Research and Economic Analysis Unit of Demand for Health and Social Care (OxREAD)
The OxREAD Centre brings together health economists, economists, demographers, epidemiologists and health system researchers from across the University of Oxford to conduct inter-disciplinary research and engage with key stakeholders and policymakers. To fully understand the long-term demand for health and social care, the combined expertise of our team examines the impact (and uncertainty) of: demographic composition and changes; population’s disease profile, and burden; preferences and demand for care, and associated cost; income (micro and macro) and social insurance packages. OxREAD is based within the Health Economics Research Centre (HERC), and involves researchers, from across Oxford University: other areas of Oxford Population Health, the Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science, the Department of Economics, and Centre for Experimental Social Science.
OxREAD directly engages with those who have lived experience of the English health system. First, building on our existing links, we are inviting national charities, professional organisations (e.g. Age UK, Diabetes UK, the British Geriatric Society) and members of the public (via a public advisory panel established by Oxford Population Health that has been recruited to ensure diversity in race, ethnicity, socio-economic circumstances and geographical location), to contribute to a forum for identifying health and care priorities of populations with long-term conditions. Second, we are deploying a regular online survey of the public using sampling strategies that ensure they are representative of these diverse populations. This would complement the CANDOUR study, our global survey of 20,000 individuals from 18 countries including England, which focuses on the public’s attitudes and preferences for health care. This survey has a core set of questions, including questions identified by people with lived experience, for temporal and cross-country comparisons to address emerging issues (e.g. the public’s views on prioritizing patients on waiting lists, care arrangements, procedures to treat chronic diseases in England).
The OxREAD Team

Philip Clarke
Director of the Health Economics Research Centre
University of Oxford
He is an economist with a track record of research that has impacted on Australian Government policy, and research for the World Bank and OECD.

Ray Duch
Director of the Centre for Experimental Social Sciences
He has provided advice to the UK Cabinet Office on experiments to improve public policy and conducted surveys of public attitude and preferences.

Melinda Mills
Director Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science
She served on UK Governments SAGE sub-groups SPI-B and ethnicity.

Hamish Low
James Meade Professor of Economics
Head of Department of Economics
University of Oxford
His research focuses on the uncertainty that individuals face, how they respond, and the role of government – especially through social insurance.

Sasha Shepherd
Professor of Health Services Research
Oxford Population Health
She is co-lead of Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care group, CI of a large multi-site randomised trial of hospital at home as an alternative to hospital admission for older people that involved the public and patients from inception to completion.

Apostolos Tsiachristas
Health Economics Research Centre
University of Oxford
He has expertise in economics of mental health, new models of care delivery, and financial incentives in healthcare.
Senior health economists will provide expertise:
- Prof Sarah Wordsworth (genetics)
- A/Prof Mara Violato (child health)
- Dr Laurence Roope (health inequalities)
- Dr Koen Pouwels (infectious diseases).